Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

David & Shannell Hsueh

Hello! We are David and Shannell Hsueh!  
David grew up in Taiwan and was raised a pastor’s kid.  It wasn’t till his college years though, that the gospel became real to him. Several years after entering the workforce, he felt the call of God to serve youth and left his job to enter full time ministry.  Shannell was also raised in church, and from the age of 4 starting feeling the call to missions.  At age 10 while attending a kids camp, she felt called to missions in Taiwan and never looked back.  At age 24, she moved to Taiwan, where she met David while serving together at a youth camp.  After ministering together many years, they were wed in 2019!

Currently our family is serving on a two year assignment Asia Pacific Theological Seminary located in Baguio Philippines.  There are students that come here from all over Asia Pacific to be trained and then sent back to their country to serve, or sometimes other countries as missionaries.  We serve on campus through student small group ministry and teaching.  Shannell teaches in the Chinese department, which trains leaders from China.  We also serve the local church through preaching, discipleship and leadership training.  We especially have a heart for young people, that they would know who they are in Christ and discover their calling.  

We also continue to serve Taiwan with frequent ministry trips back to the island to build up the churches there.  Upon completion of our assignment in the Philippines we will return back to Taiwan and continue ministry there.

Why Missions?

Here at New Life Assembly we want to reach as many as possible with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Part of that is supporting those who are abroad. Currently we are supporting a Corning native Shannell Hsueh who along side her husband David,  is doing a great work in Philippines. Make sure to click the link below and subscribe to their YouTube channel to stay updated on what God is doing in Philippines!

Encourage our active missionaries

Write an encouragement, question, or a prayer and we will send it to David & Shannelll.